Sunday, December 26, 2004
Yesterday was Christmas, as you all know. It was a good day. I enjoyed it immensely. I always do. I love being with my family. We are very low key. We get up about 9 or 10, have breakfast and then open presents. We go around in a circle and open on present at a time. I like that. It gives all a chance to see what we all got. This year my family decided that we were not going to go overboard with presents and save money to go on a family trip later this year. So we all got one big presents. I got new glasses for entertaining. A strange present since my mom wants thought I was an alcoholic. I don't think she was ever serious about it but it's become a family joke. For the record I am not an alcoholic. After we finish unwrapping our presents we start preparations for our dinner. We eat during the day around 2 or 3 in the afternoon and after we eat we go to a movie. This year, we all got new DVD's of comedian Eddie Izzard. He is such a funny funny man. I LOOOOVVVVEEE him! We had a little mini Eddie marathon in our house. Sometime during the day, we got the annual holiday greeting from the Grandparents. Everyone else in the family was with them in South Carolina. I know they would have loved us to be there too but when three of the four of us work in retail, we really can't travel to far this time of the year. The fun thing about this year was wondering where we are all going to be next year. I assume that my parents will still be here this time next year but I doubt Kat and I will be. Kat is applying for Grad School. She is being courted by Harvard but her first choice is the University of Cardiff in Wales. I can celebrate Christmas in Wales. :D I, graduate this year, and hopefully (keeping fingers crossed) will have a job in radio outside of Iowa. I'm really not that picky as long as it's warmer then here. A lot can change in a year. Who knows where we all will be.
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Sunday, November 21, 2004
My monthly update or whatever. So a month has gone by since my last update. I have been busy but really I am just too lazy to update this on a regular basis. My internship is going well with WSUI AM 910. I have been engineering for one program on a regular basis, Live from Prairie Lights. Prairie Lights is a small independent bookstore in Iowa City. I always feel guilty when I'm there because I work for the big bad Barnes and Noble. The big business that takes business from the little guys. Julie, the host, knows I work for B&N but I don't think any one else does. I wonder what they would think if they found out? Not that it makes a difference because I am there to work for WSUI but I wonder if they think I'm some kind of spy. *lol* That would be funny. My mom and I just came back from shopping at the Mall of America. I love that place. It is really a special place for me and my mom. We go a couple times a year. The last time we went up in October, my sister Kat and our friend Anna (who is basically the third sister in our family, ok maybe the fourth after Mittens) and that was just a blast! Mom and I have gone so many times that we basically know what we want to do when we get there. We never feel rushed or anything like that. This time we went to a movie. We haven't see a movie there for a while but we had more time this time. We saw Bridget Jones' sequel. So funny! That woman is so ridiculous! She's funny. I really don't know what to say but our time together is really special and I always look forward to going. It may seem weird that I go on weekend trips with my mom. but then again it must seem weird that I live with my sister and she is one of my best friends. I know that most of my friends do not have the same relationship with their familes I do. It's kind of sad that we maybe in the minority but my family is very important to me. I don't know what I do with out them. I guess it helps that we all have some of th same interests and where we differ, we support each other in theirs. I probably would know nothing about India if Kat had not gone to study there or I would have never know that I enjoy watching boxing if my dad did not watch it. I guess that's what makes our family special. But since I seem to be rambling, I'll end it here. Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it!
Sunday, October 24, 2004
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Sunday, September 12, 2004
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Monday, July 26, 2004
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Friday, July 16, 2004
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
Ok, so I know I'm mixing languages there but I really don't care. I have just spent the last 19 days in the lovely continent across the Atlantic. My sister, Kat and our friend Elizabeth traveled through seven countries (well they actually traveled through eight because they also went to Wales) Scotland, England, France, Spain, Italy, Switzerland and the Vatican City, which is it's on Principality so it counts as it's own country. We were only in France long enough to catch our next train and I completely slept through Switzerland but that's just being nitpicking. We just had the best time. I really don't think I can even describe how much fun we had, so I'm just going to give the highlights.
1. Going to the Pubs with our friend Alistair. He went to college with Kat and they have stayed close since then. He is just so cool. He is so funny and very intelligent too. I love talking to him because he has such interesting insights into American politics that I miss because I live here. I usually subscribe to thinking of "No one can hit my little Brother by me" when it comes to criticizing the USA but because Al has spent a fair amount of his life living in the US, working and going to coverage I think he has a better understanding of politics here and the advantage of looking in from the outside as well. Anyway, we had a wonderful talking and going from Pub to Pub. Scotland is great for that.
2. In Edinburgh, we did a Literary Pub tour, which explained the history of the new and old cities of Edinburgh and the major authors great works and inspirations. Not surprisingly, a lot of them came from what they saw in the Pubs. They are Scottish after all. *lol* After the Tour, we had a couple of pints with one of the Tour guides, James. Who was just a riot! He walked us back to the train station because we were staying in Glasgow and out of nowhere he started singing "American Pie". Elizabeth just happened to know all the words to the verses and we all fumbled through it until we came to the chorus. I'm sure everyone thought we were mad.
3. Queuing! I got to see my good friends Anne and Caz again. They are just two of the coolest people I know. And then you add in Jeff and you have a fun group to hang out with. The first night, we spent catching up and talking about tennis. We in line behind two Aussies and up the street was two different contigents of Scots and Welsh men. We spent most of the night drinking and talking everything from who America doesn't have history like Europe to music. Eventually we were told we were to loud and had to go to bed. As for the next two days, Anne, Caz, Jeff and I were all over the AELTC watching the best tennis players in the world and avoiding the rain. On the third day, Anne and I went by ourselves. The day was a complete rain out but we had fun anyways. We got to see Andy Roddick and other players on the Weakest Link and cleaned out the Wimbly shop. Well, not quite.
4. Twice in Barcelona we got to see Penguins! I love Penguins!!! First we got to see Humboldt Penguins at the Barcelona zoo and then at the Aquarium. I highly recommend both of these places if you go to Barcelona. I know, why go all that way to see a Zoo or an Aquarium but they are both excellent and worth seeing. And did I mention you can see Penguins!
5. We got to see the Barcelona Gay Pride Parade from the balcony of the Erotica Museum. How perfect was that? The Museum had a wonderful collection of artwork from as early as ancient Egyptians(they were reproductions) to Playboy. We heard the music from the window and stepped out on the Balcony to watch the parade. It was so cool. The Brazilian were there with their drums, there was a little old lady holding the transected flag, a whole team of Gay Elvis's but best of all was the guy who saw us standing on the balcony underneath the sign for the museum and realized where we were and gave us the thumbs up. Now that was cool.
6. Rome is a beautiful city but not the easiest to get around. They only have two metro lines because every time they try to make more stops, they find more ruins and have to shut down productions but one sight you can't miss when you come out of the Metro station is the Coloseum. It is literally the first thing you see when come out and it is just an amazing sight. To see this 2000 year old building coming out of a modern mode of mass transportation. It's just awe inspiring!
Hmm...That's all for now. Maybe I'll come back with part two of highlights but after all that traveling, I need a nap.
Wednesday, June 09, 2004
My best friend from California is home for the week. We went to high school together and while I decided to stay in Iowa for college, she was the brave one and left the state for the LA area. You have no idea how much I admire her for doing that. I often think, where would I be if I actually applied to colleges outside of Iowa. Of course, then I wouldn't have gotten that fabulous in state tuition that I have now, Anyway, I digress. Her family moved to Des Moines about a year ago. DM is about two hours from where I live but the one plus I guess is that it's near Adventureland, the only theme park in the state. I don't remember who exactly came up with the idea to go but I have been dying to ride a rollercoaster for a while now. It was a lot of fun! I haven't been to Adventureland since I was in eighth grade and our band played in some kind of competition. That was a long time.
We left around noon from our apartment with Kat and our friend Melinda, who is a blast and has a new car with bunch of cool gadgets! Poor Lisa had to get a cavity filled so we actually got to her parent's before she did. It was ok, we just went to the local ice cream joint, called Moos! How cute is that? I bought some skittles that I almost immediately spilled in Melinda's car. Grr...I wanted that sugar! Anyway, we all met up and had a blast at Adventureland. So, some of the rollercoasters were a bit disappointing but then again I really have been spoiled from all the rides at Worlds of Fun in Kansas City but it was just great to hang out with my friends and do something different. There is this great ride called the Space Shot! It shoots you up in the air and for a second your flying! It was awesome. I skipped out of the "Inverter" and I'm glad I did. It looked fun but it didn't sound fun hanging up side down over concrete. *lol* So after Lisa, Kat and Melinda did that ride, we all decided to do another ride that hangs us upside down. Not the brightest thing we could have done. It hurts to hang upside down. *lol*
After Adventureland, we went to Lisa's fave local sports bar for dinner and watch the Lakers and the Pistons! Lisa who is a LA transplant is all for the lakers but I'm rooting for the Pistons! I have to give some love to the Midwest teams. Anyway, the Lakers have won three of the last four years. They have had enough. Apparently the Lakers won because Lisa called us on our way home to gloat. Oh well! It was a great trip! We should all do it again some time. Oh, I forgot the best part! There was no lines! The place was empty! That's the way to go to a theme park!!
Sunday, June 06, 2004
I saw Harry Potter 3 on Friday! Loved it! It was fantabulous!! Alfonso Curan did a great job. He was able to be faithful to the book but still make his own interpretation on the story. Well down Alfonso!
After the movie Elizabeth, Kat and I went to Bennigan's for dinner and to discuss the movie. What nerds we are but I got to have potato soup! I went two months without eating a potato. Which was quite a feat for me because I love potatoes! It was so good. It made me very happy.
My friend Lisa is in town for a wedding and we went out last night. We met up with some guys we went to high school with. Lisa was more their friends then I was. I barely knew most of them. We had a great time. We went to one bar that kinda sucked and then to another that was more our speed. The boys got in to a fight. Oh the drama! But it was mostly patched up by the time that we all drunkenly decided go to a strip club. *lol* So when Kat's friends get drunk they go to a porn shop, and mine a strip club. What interesting couple we keep.
Gaston Gaudio won Roland Garros!! Congrats to Gaston but I think in some ways I'm going to miss the flake of a player that Gaudio was but for now I am just happy for him.
Thursday, June 03, 2004
So I am watching the National Spelling Bee on ESPN. I didn't realize it was a sport but whatever. It's hypnotic. I turned it on to see if the tennis was over for today and an hour later it's still on. Spelling has never been my strong suit (as some of you may have noticed from reading this blog) but there has been a few words I could spell. Ok, only one but it was a hard one. I only knew it because it was the frankish family that ruled what is today France eons ago. So I guess I have learned something in college after all. How to spell MEROVINGIAN! And what made me feel even better was the little girl who was given the word didn't know! Take that Little Girl!!
Sitting here, watching this I wonder why would anyone want to be doing this. Why would any kid want to spend their free time trying to figure out how to spell obscure words that they will never need to know for the rest of their lives! I'm guessing that it doesn't get the boys and women in they grow up or vice versa. What can of pick up line is that. "When I was 12, I won the national spelling bee. Want to shag?" I just don't see it happening. But anyway more power to them for being able to spell words like SCHEHERAZACIAN**! Woohoo!
**which means suited fabulous or something like that.
Tuesday, June 01, 2004
I feel like such a child! On my way into the movie theater Sunday, I wasn't watching where I was going and missed that some of the sidewalk dipped a bit. Needless to say I fell and skinned my knee. I can't tell you the last time I fell and skinned my knee. Probably when the training wheels finally came off my bike. *lol* I felt so foolish but at least there wasn't a lot of people around. That's good. The less people I can embarrass myself around the better. The real problem is now my knee really hurts. I had forgotten how painful skinned knees were and I noticed this morning that a bruise started to show up as well. I guess when I injure myself, I really injure myself. So the lesson here kids, is to pay attention where your walking because no one likes to have boo boos.
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
Can men and women be friends? Well according to the biblical authors they can't. Why? Because of the heat. The inevitable heat that sparks between a man and woman when they get together. That heat that draws them together and plays on their natural urges. That heat will always get in the way of Friendship. This is according to my professor of my summer course. Since he can read biblical Hebrew and a PhD. in the subject, so I tend to believe that this is what the biblical authors say but I don't believe it. I have several male friends that I don't feel the "heat" with. Does this make the biblical authors wrong? Or was the idea of a man and woman being just friends in biblical times unthinkable? For centuries, Hell for 2 millenniums women were only wives, mothers and daughters. That was their goals in life. They were not expected to be the intellectual equals of their husbands and fathers. What would they have to talk about? So I guess I really don't know the answer and seem to be more rambling then anything else but with no disrespect to the biblical authors but I do believe that men and women can be friends with any sexual expectations. Believe me, I know.
Sunday, May 23, 2004
For the six people out there that actually read this know that I love Tennis. It's my favorite sport. I just love it! Well, Roland Garros, aka The French Open, starts tomorrow. It's the second Grand Slam of the year and the only one on Clay and in a non-English speaking country. That last point is mostly irrevelant but interesting point nonetheless. I've been to Roland Garros before for a Davis Cup tie and the atmosphere is like no other. I look forward to the day that I will go for the French Open.
This year is probably the most intriguing because it's so wide open, for both the Men and the Women. Both defending champions Justine Henin-hardenne and Juan Carlos Ferrero have been out because of illness and injury. Justine is set to play but JC is still in doubt and is more and more doubtful to play with every day. The poor guy, caught the chicken pox in Indian wells and then tripped and fell and sprained his wrist and elbow himself in the ribs! All I can say is that I hope that if he does play, he wins because even a hurt JC is still better on clay then most players healthy.
I guess the favorite is Roger Federer. He's world number 1 and just won Hamburg, a major tune up for RG. But it the one flaw is that he hasn't won a set at RG in two years and both years he had good preparations going in. What makes this year different? Well, he's not the same player, he's #1 world and has won Wimbledon, the Australian Open and The Masters Cup since his last lost. There won't be a repeat of last year.
There may be a repeat for Andy Roddick though. Don't get me wrong, I like the guy. He's one of my favorite players but he always seems lost out there on the European clay. He does have a very manageable draw however. He opens with veteran Todd "Marathon Man" Martin. Martin has this amazing ability to come back in matches in which it looked like he had already lost. That is just one of the reasons for Roddick to get this match over with as soon as possible. Another is so he can get that "not winning a match since his RG debut in 2001" monkey off his back.
Now some real favorites are Guillermo Coria, Carlos Moya, David Nalbandian, Marat Safin and to lesser extent Andre Agassi. Only because he is Andre Agassi but not because anyone thinks he is going to win. I'll throw in three time winner Gustavo Kuertan for Kat. Guga has never been the player he was since he had surgery on his hip but can really count out a guy that has won this tournament three times? If I was a betting person, I would say Coria is the best bet but even he is having to deal with an injury. Of course there are others but too many to list. One to watch is Fernando Verdasco of Spain. When he goes deep in the tournament, you can say you heard it here first!
You may have noticed I haven't spent that much time talking about the women. I usually don't pay that much attention to the WTA tour because honestly I don't find it that interesting. The usual subjects are still in the mix Henin-Hardenne (I mentioned her earlier), Serena Williams, Venus Williams, Amelie Mauresmo, Jennifer Capriati and Lindsay Davenport. I think it's safe to say that one of these women will win.
I try not to make predictions because I feel like I give players bad luck so I'll say let the best player win!
Saturday, May 22, 2004
Kat and I have been on the South Beach Diet for almost two months now and working out at Curves for a month. So far things are going great. I've lost 13 pounds and feeling great! Boy did that sound corny but it's the truth. Everytime I go work out or eat a bunch of vegetables, in my head I think "I'm going to be so hot!". I know it sounds vain but for a girl who has been overweight for most of her life it's a great motivation. I've never felt like I was "hot" before. I wonder what it feels like to be "Hot". Well, a year from now, I'll let you know.
I'm doing well but Kat is doing Great! I am so proud of her and jealous at the same time but mostly proud. I can really see a difference in the way her clothes hang on her. Today she is wearing an old pair of jeans that she hasn't been able to wear in a while and they are even a little baggy! How cool is that?! It's not just cool, it's fantabulous! She really has been my inspiration in this whole "Better Life Change" that I am doing. She wanted to try South Beach and I said what the hey. It would be easier for us to make one menu instead two. She does most of the cooking and is full of enthusiastic about the whole thing. I love her!
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
So, I saw Troy on Friday. I had been looking forward to it for a while. I thought it would be good, entertaining and full of eye candy. Which it was! I enjoyed it. I knew going in that it wasn't going to be historically accurate or faithful to Homer's original text. I think because I knew that I could just relax and think of it as just another summer popcorn movie with lots of action and hot guys! Orlando Bloom and Brad Pitt may not be the best actors in the world but do look good in Greek armor. *sigh* Eric Bana performance as Hector was the best of the whole movie and Sean Bean was excellent as always. :D
There is one scene that I just couldn't help but laugh at. Archilles (Pitt) is yelling for Hector (Bana) and all I could think was Marlon Brando and a Street Car Named Desire. STEEELLLAAA! I was trying my hardest not to laugh.
So Troy isn't the best movie I have ever seen but it was what I expected it to be, a good summer film. I do have one qualm with it though. I was promised Orlando, Naked and Honey and only got one of the three. Grr... Oh well. This week Shrek 2 opens up. I just have to remember to go at night, to avoid the horrible kid factor and then Harry Potter and the Prison of Azkaban! June 4th baby! This was always my favorite book of the series so they better not have messed it up!
Sunday, April 18, 2004
This past week, I had an assignment in my US African American history class that I had to find a primary source from the Civil Rights Movement from the 1960's and then present this material to the class. Originally, I wanted to find foreign news articles about our civil rights movement and to see how it played overseas but stumbling around in the Library I came across this book. American Mix the Minority Experience in America edited by Morris Freedman and Carolyn Banks. The first document that caught my eye was an excerpt from Correta Scott King's autobiography but it was a short two paragraph "sermon" by Dick Gregory. I was familiar with his name. People still come into to Barnes and Noble to buy his autobiography, that's title I can't even type because all of my life I have told that is just not a word that is said, written or thought.
Gregory is an interesting man. He began his career as a comic in Chicago. He was an activist during the Civil Rights movement and even participated in Sit-ins and getting people registered to vote. He spoke out against the Vietnam War and even ran for President in 1968. In that same year he published The Shadow that Scares Me, a collection of his "sermons". One was America was momma's momma. I was taken aback at how Gregory was able to pack so much anger, hurt, pain, grievances into two short paragraphs. I could go on and on but I think Mr. Gregory speaks for himself. There is still nothing more powerful then the written word.
America was momma's momma
Now that I am a man, I have "given up childish ways." I realize that America in my momma and American was Momma's momma. And I am going to place the blame for injustice and wrong on the right momma. Even today, when I leave my country to appear on television and make other public appearances in foreign countries, I find it difficult to speak of the injustices I experience in this country. Because America in my momma. Even if Momma is a whore, she is still Momma. Many times I am asked if I would go to to war if drafted. I alwasys answer, "Yes, under one condition; that I be allowed to go to the front linke withough a gun. Momma is worth dying for, but there is nothing worth killing for. And If I ever change my opinion about killing, I will go to Mississippi and kill that sheriff who spit in my wife's face."
America is my momma. One Fourth of July, I want to go to the New York harbor and talk to Momma - the Statue of Liberty. I want to snatch that torch out of her hand take her with me to the ghetto and sit her down on the street corner. I want to show her the "tired, the poor and the huddled masses yearning to breather free.: I want to show Momma what she had been doing to her children. And Momma should weep, For the grief of the ghetto is the grief of the entire American family.
Gregory, Dick. America was momma's momma; The Shadow that Scares Me. Doubleday & Company, Inc. 1968
Sunday, March 21, 2004
I had such a great time in Indian Wells! The tennis was great. It was great to see Fee and Susan again and Caryn, Christine, Angela and Mel were awesome!! I learned a lot about what it's like to be a working journalist at the tennis tournament. The one disappointment was that one of my favorite players, Juan Carlos Ferrero had to pull out because he had the Chicken Pox. What is a 24 year old man getting the chicken pox anyway? The poor guy.
So that was the first half of my spring break. The second half, my mom and I went to the mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota. I love that place. We didn't do the as much shopping as we usually do but mostly just hung out. That's what I love about my family, is that we genuinely like being with each other. We all have our own interests but try to include all of us in our interests. It's great! I hear all the time of other families don't get along and fight all the time and feel lucky that I come from a family that I can talk to and feel comfortable joking around with. My family is Wonderful!!!
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
See this is what always happens to me. Every time I start a diary or a journal, I write on a regular basis for a couple of weeks and then a couple of months later, I realize that I haven't written in it for a while. *sigh* I think I am just too lazy to keep up a good diary.
In other news, I've really enjoying my paper making class. I'm getting ok at it but it's a lot harder then it looks. In our last class, we made stamps. How cool is that?! I've been doing better in my other classes as well. I got an A- on my first midterm of the semester. So that's a good sign. I also got a B- on my book report for African American History. Personally, I think my professor was an easy grader in this case because I don't think it was a B- paper but at least a C but Hey! I'll take it! I have two midterms and a paper due on Thursday, so wish me luck.
The best thing about midterm time is that it means that spring break is soon. Kat and I are going to Indian Wells, CA to meet up with some friends and see some world class Tennis!

Wednesday, February 11, 2004
After a month off, I'm back to school. It was a nice break but it's good to have a regular schedule. I'm taking five classes, two history courses and two journalism courses and one just for fun, Paper making! Woohoo! I have had two classes so far and I already know how to make my own paper and I have beaten my own pulp in the Hollander beater! That was cool but to be honest the beater did all the work. I'm so stoked about this course! It's fun to have a class that I do not have to take an exam or write five or six papers. Later in the semester, I'm going to learn how to make my own ink and bind a book together. I may never have to buy my own paper again. Ok, that's not true but it's still a pretty groovy skill to have.